Thursday 22 December 2011

We are top of the League, say we are top of the league

Sheen FC are top at Christmas!

More to come shortly

#SheenFC #Winning
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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Well at the moment I can't be bothered to write anything meaningful, so instead here's a heartfelt message from myself to you all, wishing you festivity and joy this Christmas, and hopefully lots of money, that helps, and hey, maybe if you do get money you could send some to me, these hilarious articles don't come on the cheap you know. I've got a team of writers sitting here thinking of puns left, right and centre. It's a competitive industry and you've got to have the best.

Gracias y ¡Feliz Navidad
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Friday 2 December 2011

Euro piece of shi...

Well it's that time again Ladies and Gentlemen, for England to rise again above everyone and crush the feeble opposition that stand before them and reign superior again... Or that's how the media (alright, The Sun) will portray it in the months leading up to Euro 2012. But we all know that the media is run by the underground British Mafia and that you can't trust the system!...

Or something along those lines anyway, but looking at the group, I think England have a great chance of progre.... Haha, what am I saying, we will inevitably fail again, and here's why.

1. We beat Spain, it can't get better than that, quite literally, it will be regarded as Capello's greatest and only achievement and will be forgotten in history as the only legacy will be the constant clip of Rob Green spilling that infamous shot into his own net, I really hope that image isn't what is remembered of Fabio, but I fear that will be the case...

2. Watch the video above, that explains everything

So England have to fend of the likes of Sweden, Ukraine and... FRANCE!!! You mean the team that went on strike during the World Cup, Hahahahahaha, this will be easy!!!

England Euro 2012 Champions

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