Saturday 14 July 2012

The RVP Saga: More Smart Management From Wenger?

On the face of it, the impending transfer of Robin Van Perise to one of Europe's elite clubs seems like any other situation where a player begins to feel too big for his boots. Where an Oil Baron's money and the lure of trophies crushes any thought of morals into extinction.

But then you begin to ask the question, why did Wenger allow Van Persie's contract to run into its last year? Surely by January, after RVP had been hitting goals home left, right and centre it must have entered the back of Arsene's mind. To possibly understand what he's thinking we need to go back to 2007, the club legend and all time top goalscorer Thierry Henry is sold to Barcelona at the age of 29, he probably had at least one more good season in him. But in an unexpected turn of events he was transferred to the Nou Camp for about £18 million.

While at the time, many Arsenal fans questioned the decision with bemusement at how the club could just discard their 'greatest player of all time' when they were in need of a leader. However, the wonder of hindsight showed us that it was a fantastic piece of business and not for the first time from the Arsenal manager. While Henry went on to win silverware at Barcelona he wasn't a regular in the first team and eventually made the jump across the Atlantic that all players who want less of a challenge do. Henry signed for the New York Red Bulls for a far lesser price than he arrived in Barcelona for and had he remained at the Emirates, Arsenal would've received that small fee instead of the £7 million profit they made.

Looking at Van Persie, I see a similar situation arising, while he had a fantastic 2011/12 season he is now 28 and by the end of his contract he would be 29, the same age as Henry. By allowing him to leave on the back of a golden boot season, Arsenal will be able to get a far higher transfer fee for him rather than paying him an extortionate fee to sign for a few more years, or allowing him to leave on a free next year.

Whoever signs him in this window, because he will leave this year, will get a few decent seasons from him before he fades into mediocracy. But while Arsenal don't want to be the feeder club for the 'bigger' teams in European football, this gives Wenger a chance to spend big while keeping in check with Financial Fair Play.

If I'm right, then Van Persie leaving Arsenal will be one of the best things to happen to the team this year, despite all the cynicism that has come from the Arsenal fans.
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Friday 6 July 2012

I'm really sorry...

Especially to you Jakub, my loyal reader from Bosnia, I have promised so much yet delivered so little, well this trait can no longer continue! Now that my school year is (almost) done, I'll be having more free time, my aims are to get the inevitable piles of homework I'll be set out of the way in the first 2 weeks (don't worry, I know that won't happen either), and then that'll give me a good 4 weeks to perfect the balance of my (limited) social life and this. We'll see how this goes, I reckon it'll be a good laugh, well at least for you anyway...
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