Saturday 30 April 2011

Hey, here's an idea... Goal line technology

After seeing Hilarious Gomes flap at another shot, this time it didn't cross the line, although that wasn't the opinion of the linesman who was on the 18 yard line when the shot was struck and the 6 yard line when Gomes clawed the ball back into his arms, there is no way from that angle that he could have seen whether the ball was fully over the line, and the whole of the ball has to cross the line.

There is a misconception over how a goal is scored, some people think that only more than half the ball needs to cross the line, but the FIFA rules state, and I looked them up... From law 10: A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar. and for those of you who learn from pictures:

You don't even have to get all technical with lasers in the posts or chips in the ball, you can set up 3 cameras, two in either post and one in the crossbar looking down on the line, give the fourth official a TV screen and he can tell you in seconds whether or not it is goal, it's not like the fourth official does anything else during the match anyway.

It has happened too often for FIFA to say it will be a waste of money, maybe, just maybe England wouldn't have had such a crushing defeat against Germany because I am sure that goal would have given them the momentum to go on and take control of the game.

Football is too much of a money run franchise to be leaving these decisions to the referee and his assistants, they have too much to deal with already, and these poxy "assistants" they have introduced in the Champions League, they don't do anything and can't make the decision because the post is in the way.

FIFA's only real argument against this technology is that it would slow the game down, now with the camera way I suggested, it would take a matter of seconds for the fourth official to see where the ball is and radio the ref. Millions of people do it in their living rooms while watching Sky, within seconds the whole audience could see that Gomes had pulled the ball back to safety.

I don't know what FIFA do in their little world, but it seems like they don't want football to progress and I can't quite understand that. We need a governing body that listens to the people, not one that tells the people what to hear.

And when we get that, goals like this won't be debated, they will be done justice.


  1. the cameras wont work if the keeper dives over the ball, but a chip could be detected even if its not in sight

  2. Good point, i think the cameras will solve the short term problem, but for the game to progress there needs to be chips

  3. It wasn't over the line
