Friday 24 June 2011

Villas-Boas - the double barrelled surname on everyone’s lips

Well, it’s become more of an anniversary than anything, because the start of the season normally means another manager arriving through the revolving doors at Stamford Bridge, they usually end up back the other way by May. But do we have someone different in Mr. Villas-Boas? Is this a new tactic employed by Abramovich? Well on the face of it, no. Many expect the inexperienced ex-Porto man to be fired before the end of his 3 year contract, mainly because that is the trend that Abramovich follows, but trends are there to be broken, I’m sure Arsene will be hoping that will be the case this season.

For us to understand whether this is a good appointment or not we need to go further than, “Abramovich sacks everyone”. It’s a different kind of selection on Roman’s part, whereas previous seasons he has looked for experience to try and bring him that all elusive Champions League glory. But as you may have gathered Andres is younger than Chelsea’s reserve keeper Hilario. Whether that means he won’t have any authority within the camp is a different question.

In Villas-Boas we have a young upcoming manager that already has proven himself in the Portuguese League, of course we know that the heady heights of the Premier League are completely different to Portuguese football. I believe that he can adapt, the man seems very intelligent and has already worked at Chelsea as the head scout and that didn’t do enough to put him off returning so we know he has the drive.

It all comes down to whether Abramovich has got it through into his head yet that sacking managers year after year just doesn’t work, if he gives Villas-Boas time then we could see trophies returning to Stamford Bridge, but the pessimist in me think that we have seen this all before and the inevitable “Villas-Go-as” headlines will be appearing in several poor tabloid newspapers.

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