Friday 28 October 2011

New look

That's right, I've got myself a job at... No, no, don't let my hilarious antics get the better of you, as you may have noticed, or not, you may never have been here before, well in that case welcome, relax, make yourself a nice cup of tea, go on we'll wait... You've done that? Great. Let's continue, So basically the site has a brand new fresh approach going on, there isn't as many features as before, I can't include my world renowned twitter feed on here, so you'll just have to follow me instead (@YourPalAndy just in case anyone cared) plugging aside, it's mainly just about the articles now, similar to playboy in a sense, call me the Hefner of Sports Journalism. Make what you will of that. But basically just enjoy the nonsensical rambling.

From the Football Hearsay mansion in California.

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