Tuesday 23 July 2013

Tactically Speaking: Which Formation Is Best?

I've heard it banded around that strikers are where the points will be at this season. But I'm going to have to disagree. Granted out of the top three point scorers last season, two were strikers. But in the Top 10, 6 were midfielders. So it's important not to overlook the fact that midfielders can be cheaper but just as effective as their striking counterparts. However! Don't for one second get the idea that my master plan is to get everyone playing 4-5-1 and then showing up with my 3-4-3 team filled to the brim with strikers. The logic still stands that goals get the most points and relatively those who score the most goals are strikers. Unless you're Tottenham...

So depending on how you're doing finance wise, my advice would be to start off building your team in the default 4-4-2 formation, starting with the strikers first. Once you've sorted that pick the rest of your team, still in reverse; MIDs then DEFs then the keeper. If by the time you reach the keeper, you don't have the funds to make the signing you want, then it can be an option to trade out one of your strikers for a cheaper midfield option.

My provisional squad is in a 4-5-1 formation for this reason, but as the season approaches, I'm going to attempt to work a 3 defender system into my team, hopefully not sacrificing any of my best players. So that's to come later on this month.

Good luck building your teams! I probably haven't helped at all...

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