Saturday 14 July 2012

The RVP Saga: More Smart Management From Wenger?

On the face of it, the impending transfer of Robin Van Perise to one of Europe's elite clubs seems like any other situation where a player begins to feel too big for his boots. Where an Oil Baron's money and the lure of trophies crushes any thought of morals into extinction.

But then you begin to ask the question, why did Wenger allow Van Persie's contract to run into its last year? Surely by January, after RVP had been hitting goals home left, right and centre it must have entered the back of Arsene's mind. To possibly understand what he's thinking we need to go back to 2007, the club legend and all time top goalscorer Thierry Henry is sold to Barcelona at the age of 29, he probably had at least one more good season in him. But in an unexpected turn of events he was transferred to the Nou Camp for about £18 million.

While at the time, many Arsenal fans questioned the decision with bemusement at how the club could just discard their 'greatest player of all time' when they were in need of a leader. However, the wonder of hindsight showed us that it was a fantastic piece of business and not for the first time from the Arsenal manager. While Henry went on to win silverware at Barcelona he wasn't a regular in the first team and eventually made the jump across the Atlantic that all players who want less of a challenge do. Henry signed for the New York Red Bulls for a far lesser price than he arrived in Barcelona for and had he remained at the Emirates, Arsenal would've received that small fee instead of the £7 million profit they made.

Looking at Van Persie, I see a similar situation arising, while he had a fantastic 2011/12 season he is now 28 and by the end of his contract he would be 29, the same age as Henry. By allowing him to leave on the back of a golden boot season, Arsenal will be able to get a far higher transfer fee for him rather than paying him an extortionate fee to sign for a few more years, or allowing him to leave on a free next year.

Whoever signs him in this window, because he will leave this year, will get a few decent seasons from him before he fades into mediocracy. But while Arsenal don't want to be the feeder club for the 'bigger' teams in European football, this gives Wenger a chance to spend big while keeping in check with Financial Fair Play.

If I'm right, then Van Persie leaving Arsenal will be one of the best things to happen to the team this year, despite all the cynicism that has come from the Arsenal fans.
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Friday 6 July 2012

I'm really sorry...

Especially to you Jakub, my loyal reader from Bosnia, I have promised so much yet delivered so little, well this trait can no longer continue! Now that my school year is (almost) done, I'll be having more free time, my aims are to get the inevitable piles of homework I'll be set out of the way in the first 2 weeks (don't worry, I know that won't happen either), and then that'll give me a good 4 weeks to perfect the balance of my (limited) social life and this. We'll see how this goes, I reckon it'll be a good laugh, well at least for you anyway...
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Friday 15 June 2012

Sweden 2-3 England: The game that made my heart almost give out

Wow... Now, I'm not known for my long term memory, but that was the most nervous I've ever been watching an England match, no scrap that, a football match in my entire life. No one can say that 'Woy', as he's now affectionately known by the England faithful, doesn't provide you with interesting games.

It started well for England in all fairness, the system that Hodgson had set out, sitting the two central midfielders just in front of the defence and allowing Sweden to come onto them (you shouldn't be thinking that...) was working well. The Swedes looked an average team in the early parts and there was actually talk of a simple England victory. Unfortunately, such a thing doesn't exist.

However, Roy proved his inclusion of Andy Carroll in the starting XI to be a clever move as he powerfully headed home a deep cross from his Liverpool counterpart, Gerrard, past Isaksson. Hodgson's tactics then played their part as England sat back and seemed in control as Sweden tried but failed to break them down. At half time all seemed in order, but the England we know and love/hate/despise managed to shoot themselves in the foot once again.

Two poorly defended set pieces early in the half put Sweden in the lead, both scored by Melberg, although the first should clearly go down as a Glen Johnson own goal. Like so many times before, all English minds thought in unison, 'here we go again', the BBC commentators wouldn't leave us alone with stats about how we've never beaten Sweden in this competition, or for this many games. It was tiresome and pointless commentary, but still it manages to beat ITV all ends up.

When all hope was lost though, there was only one man that Hodgson could turn to, Theo Walcott. I, as I'm sure many others sighed at the prospect of Walcott's impending arrival, but for the second time during the evening, Roy proved us wrong spectacularly. Walcott's first involvement was to smash the ball from the edge of the box over a helpless Isaksson. But his night didn't end there, after receiving the ball from Johnson, he took on two defenders with his pace and dinked a cross over to the awaiting Danny Welbeck, who managed to pull off one of the best finishes I've seen for a while.

It was now 3-2, I certainly couldn't believe that England had shown the character to come back, but Hodgson's got them working as a team in a short amount of time, I was indifferent about his appointment, but to be honest I wasn't too overly keen on 'Arry either. I'm now warming to the Hodgson regime, hopefully we can push on and beat Ukraine and hope that the Swedes, now with nothing to lose, absolutely hammer the French.
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Thursday 14 June 2012

Euro 2012: My thoughts so far - Group A

So we're well into the tournament now, so I thought since I've failed on my promise to deliver a few match reports I'd do this instead. So without further ado, here's my general thoughts on each team and who I'm tipping to reach European glory later this month. Here's the first of four instalments.

Group A:

Poland - Tournament co-hosts and one of the lesser teams in the competition with all due respect. They've shown glimpses of being contenders to progress from their group, but then they've fallen away towards the end of matches. Most notably during the Greece game, after going 1-0 up and facing a Greek team with 10 men, they lacked that experience needed to close out games.

Key man

Robert Lewandowski - The Borussia Dortmund striker leads the line excellently for the Poles and is clinical when he gets the chance, he needs to be playing well for them to succeed.

Greece - The Greeks look like they won't be able to emulate their 2004 successes any time soon. They look sloppy on the ball and are lucky to have the one point they sit bottom of Group A with. There's very little chance that they will qualify, but that would hardly hold any injustice about it. Their main player, so to speak - Georgios Samaras, has been ineffective to say the least and the team look like they just don't hold enough quality to compete at this level.

Key man

Granted, I don't know much about Greek international football, but due to his pride salvaging appearance off the bench in the opening game it has to be Dimitris Salpigidis, he just looked to have a certain cutting edge that the rest of the team lacked.

Czech Republic - After racking my brain to try and recall their two matches I realised why I couldn't. The reason being that they've been the most average team in the tournament, no-one's really stood out for them, while holding the second qualification place, they still have to face Poland which I can only see going one way.

Key man

Petr Cech - The Chelsea goalkeeper has had two poor matches so far, for the Czechs to qualify, he needs to stay solid between the sticks.

Russia - By far the stand out team in the group. They're quick and fluent in attack and a rejuvenated Arshavin has looked at his best playing in a more favourable central role for him. While drawing with Poland, they can confirm qualification with a win over bottom of the table Greece.

Key man

Alan Dzagoev - Currently the tournament's joint top goalscorer and the only Russian ever to be called Alan. He's looked sharp on the ball and has the ability to finish when he gets the chance, expect a few more goals from him in the latter stages.
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Friday 8 June 2012

Euro 2012 Match Reports: Poland 1-1 Greece

In a match that looked like it would spur the joint host nation to push on and challenge in their group, Poland were soon brought crashing back to earth by a lacklustre Greece team who at times, looked like they should be playing Sunday league football, as far away from the international stage as possible.

Poland were clearly the better team from the off, they looked a sleeker team than the Greeks and were able to put a few passes together, the latter can't be said for the team in blue. Poland pressed and were rewarded after some repetitive sloppy play from their opposition. A cross from the right wing was calmly headed home by Lewandowski after the Greek keeper, Chalkias was left in no man's land.

It looked from then on that the crowd would push the Poles on to their first victory in this years competition and that task soon appeared easier after Sokratis Papastathopoulos was sent off for two very harsh yellow cards. The Greeks seemed dejected and you sensed that their tournament may have been over before half time.

But that wasn't to be the case as a slightly rejuvenated Greece looked to push for the equaliser, and that came in the 51st minute when super sub Salpingidis entered the fray to slot home after some sloppy play from Scezney. It wasn't to be the Arsenal goalkeeper's final mistake of the day as he was sent off shortly afterwards for tripping Salpingidis who really changed the game after his introduction.

It looked as if the Greeks would snatch the 3 points from the jaws of defeat, but the captain's penalty was saved by the replacement keeper Tyton who looked solid between the sticks.

A point was probably a fair result for the two teams but that has severely hindered both team's chances of qualifying in a group that is completed by Russia and the Czech Republic.
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New segment: Euro 2012 match reports

Since this blog should probably focus on serious football as well as comical exploits, I will try and do as many match reports as I can, of course I won't be able to watch every game due to other commitments but I'll try and put out as many as I can. The Poland v Greece game is currently under way so that should be out later tonight.

I can feel your excitement.

Ps. Who knows, there may even be some extras for you, go, tell your friends.
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Thursday 7 June 2012

Ilkeston, remember them?

I apologise greatly to the fans and supporters of Ilkeston FC, the club that Football Hearsay claimed they would follow the progress of the club until the end of the season.

Of course as you may have seen, this didn't happen. But, and that's a big but and I cannot lie. The mighty Ilkeston were promoted to the Northern Premier League Premier Division as Play-off winners. I congratulate the team and attribute their promotion to the very little support we have given them. I apologise again.

Promotion was secured through two Play-off games, the first, beating Sheffield FC 7-0 in a resounding win to reach the final against Leek Town. The Robins won 2-0 with goals from Matt Richards and Daryll Thomas.

This means that Ilkeston will be taking on the likes of North Ferriby United and Kendal Town next season, I don't see how they can't secure back to back promotions.

Up the Robins
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Friday 25 May 2012

So we didn't win...

It kind of dents our motto, but Sheen FC finished second in the league this season. Now before you start throwing your season tickets at me and chanting for my resignation, let me tell you, second place, at the start of the season we would've jumped at that!

But to everyone at the club's relief, the infamous team 'Blah' didn't manage to overtake us despite their late minute charge for victory. Unfortunately we couldn't hold onto our first place at Christmas crown and Goychers FC took the title. To be honest, I blame myself for signing two Tottenham players when they were crumbling quicker than Madonna's career.

But we'll be back next season, and I guarantee we'll win it this time, you watch.

Keep on Winning (sort of)
For some reason, The Sun has replaced
the database already, so here's my iPod
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The End Of Season Review: 2012 Edition

For some reason I decided to capitalise every word in the title, just makes it seem more important. Anyway, moving on to more important matters, without swearing; my thoughts on the last day of  the season: ... That's because I can't do it without swearing. It was amazing, so unpredictable, no-one saw that coming, absolutely no-one, and if you say you did then you're lying. This is why we love football ladies and gentlemen.

I still get shivers from hearing Martin Tyler scream 'AguerrooooOOOOOOOOOHHH' and to be honest I've had a few nightmares where it resonates in my head. Moving on... There was action, drama, just what we all wanted as a neutral. Some were expecting City to walk it, some expected them to bottle it, which they almost did and some like I, just wanted football to win. Which it did by far.

It was definitely the best season in my lifetime, I can't speak for before my time. But the final day summed it all up for me. You can't beat it. But we can't forget the rest of the season, although many, including myself pretty much have. Here are just a few highlights to jog your memories:

Manchester United 8-2 Arsenal (28/8/11)
Manchester United 1-6 Manchester City (23/10/11)
Chelsea 3-5 Arsenal (29/10/11)
Manchester United 2-3 Blackburn (31/12/11)
Chelsea 3-3 Manchester United (5/2/12)
Arsenal 5-2 Tottenham (26/2/12)
Manchester United 4-4 Everton (22/4/12)
Barcelona 2-2 Chelsea (24/4/12) (How could we forget Gary Neville?)
Manchester City 3-2 QPR (13/5/12)
Chelsea 1-1 Bayern Munich (Chelsea win 4-3 on penalties) (19/5/12)

Predictions from last season:

This should be fun, so let's look through what I, Mystic Meg, said would happen roughly a year ago...

"So this is how I think the Premier League will pan out in the end.

1st. Manchester United
2nd. Manchester City
3rd. Chelsea
4th. Liverpool
5th. Arsenal
6th. Tottenham
7th. Everton
8th. Sunderland
9th. Bolton
14th. West Brom
16th. Wolves
17th. Norwich
18th. QPR
19th. Wigan
20th. Swansea"

... I don't even want to talk about it...

So swiftly moving on, we go to the 2nd annual Football Hearsay awards!

Best performance of the season: Man Utd 1-6 Man City (City simply bossed that game like they were playing a Sunday League team)

Team of the season: Man City (This is turning into the City blog, but in all honesty they were the best team)

Arse of the season: Luis Suarez (Racist and all round terrible human being, the man sickens me)

Class of the season: Robin Van Persie (unstoppable at times, fully deserved Golden Boot)

So that's it for another season, look out for my predictions for the 2012/13 season soon, although based on last year's there isn't much point. And the new segment for my Euro 2012 fantasy football. It's going to be a good season!

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We're all going on a European tour!

It's true, the rumours have been confirmed, Sheen FC will be playing in Europe this summer. Or to put it in simpler terms, I've entered the Sun's Euro 2012 fantasy football. I thought I'd put a little European twist on the team name so, unfortunately you're all going to need new scarfs and shirts because we are now officially 'Le Sheen FC'.

The team below is the first draft, I may stick with it, or there may be a few alterations based on injuries, form in friendlies or shooting working experience students with air rifles, yes I'm looking at you Ashley.

So, we'll see how we get on during the summer, but to be honest, it won't be up to date updates (if that made any sense) because I haven't even given you the end of year Sheen FC summary. I'm working on it alright...

Keep on Winning

Andy Element

Manager of Le Sheen FC
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Friday 18 May 2012

The end of year review


(because capital letters make it more exciting)
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Sunday 22 April 2012

Manchester United 4-4 Everton: A comeback quicker than an angry belieber

For those who don't know who/what a "belieber" is, then you're a lucky, lucky person. Also for the "angry beliebers" that find their way onto this page, thanks I needed the extra hits.

Now they've gone I'll say I don't normally do match reports but for me this was one of the games of the season (because of bias) and Tony Hibbert got two assists, these kind of games don't happen every year.

Everton started very brightly, there's less pressure left on them now after Saturday (I hate Andy Carroll), all they have left to challenge for in their season is pride and finishing above Liverpool. You could see that Moyes had them raring to go as they took the game to United in the first 20 minutes.

I must say that while he had a bit more in the transfer kitty than previous seasons, Moyes has been shrewd but excellent in the transfer market once again. Darron Gibson (playing against his old club today) has settled in excellently next to Fellaini in midfield. His array of passing is sublime and he can dig deep and help grind out results as well. He's turning into Everton's Paul Scholes. But of course the best piece of business bar Papiss Cisse has got to be Jelavic. He's 'jelled' with the team quickly and after today he's bagged himself 6 goals in 9 games. That's more than Yakubu in his entire career at Everton!*.

On 33 minutes the Croatian continued his fine goal scoring form by nodding a Tony Hibbert cross (yes, you read that right) over De Gea into the United net. Old Trafford stunned...

Then Rooney and Welbeck scored... Possible partnership at the Euros? (Once Rooney serves his ban of course). Oh and Nani scored as well...

It was 3-1 with 67 minutes gone, the United fans were relaxing and Fergie (wearing Nike trainers... no me either) was having a laugh with the Fourth Official. Probably discussing how he wouldn't need that much injury time this game after all.

But they didn't count on one man stepping forward, bursting down the right wing with lightning pace and delivering a pinpoint cross into the box, Hibbert had another assist. It was actually a decent finish by Fellaini who has recaptured his form of last season before that *insert expletive here* Kyriagkos broke his leg. A powerful volley into the bottom corner that De Gea couldn't keep out (been hearing that a lot this season though).

Then Rooney scored... again...

United's 2 goal lead was restored once again, the crowd began to relax (again) and Fergie kept chewing (it's like he's sponsored by Orbit). But then Jelavic scored... again. The ball was headed by Rio onto Jonny Evans' head and fell nicely for Jelllyfish to slot into the bottom corner.

Tension rose again through the Trafford faithful, and before you could say Bilyaletdinov the ball was past De Gea (again) and Everton had pulled off the comeback of the season. This goal was probably our best, it was nice build up play before Fellaini turned and found the run of Pienaar who cooly slotted home.

Fergie time then followed but Everton held out after a late scare from Rio (could you imagine the amount of tweets if that had gone in). Final score: Man U 4-4 Everton.

Oh, final point. Peter Odemwingie = Legend

*Statistics may not be 100% correct
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Monday 9 April 2012

We've signed Two and a Half Men

Looking back through the Football Hearsay archives I noticed that I hadn't done a Sheen FC update in a while. So, without further ado here it is...

After being top at Christmas Sheen FC have dropped down to second and are looking up at a huge points gap between them and 1st place. The recent transfer window has shut and three new faces have joined up with the squad to train with head coach Steve Claridge.

Kyle Walker, Fab Collocini and Vincent Kompany all come in to join Leighton Baines to sure up the defence.

Unaware that Collocini is probably out for the season I made a dick move and didn't look at the players I was signing. I'm willing to hold my hands up and admit some poor management on my part.

Here's how the league table stands at the moment:

As you can see the infamous team 'blah' are coming back to haunt us, they now occupy 3rd place and are making a late assault for the title. Let's hope the new signings settle in and go for the league. 

Keep on Winning

(p.s. did you see what I did with the title? Because of the injury, huh? Huh? Yeah, that's right.)
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Sunday 8 April 2012

Scholes the passmaster

I decided to take an unconventional view on the game at Old Trafford today and watch one player. There was of course a lot of talent on show in Manchester but the one man out there that consistently performs is the old master himself, Paul Scholes. It turned out that I was basically watching the whole game anyway.

Every good thing United did today went through Scholes three or four times and he still has it, age has not hit him like it does to mere mortals. Many write off players once they pass 33/34 but the role Scholes plays and his impeccable ability has allowed him to continue this long. Being that he has such an array of passing, all he had to do was sit in an area which ranged from the centre circle to just outside the QPR box. He just moved into space allowing United to pass through him and create their attacks.

The way Scholes played the game means that he can fit into a Premier League team, had he been a winger the pace of the English game would’ve probably been too much for him. Unless you’re Ryan Giggs, that must be the yoga or something.

 From the outset in an overcast Manchester he was spraying the ball from left to right perfectly every time. He was vital to every United move and it showed after he was substituted to a standing ovation. United had less guile, they couldn’t break down Rangers with such ease.

But we can’t overlook the fact that Man U’s job was made a little easier thanks to some shocking decisions from both the referee and his linesman on the far side to allow an offside Ashley Young to dive and win a disgustingly cheap penalty, but enough of that.

Scholes finished off a classic performance with one of his trademark strikes, bullet into the bottom corner out of Kenny’s reach. I said to myself at half time after watching him that he’d score the next goal. I contemplated putting a bet on it but after deliberation decided against it. What an idiot I am, the odds were 11/1 and had I been brave I’d be sitting here looking at a nice £110.

But my failure out of the way, Scholes rightly received the Man of the Match award (from Gary Neville) and his return has really rejuvenated United and it looks as if he will push them towards another league title. Best free transfer of the season by far.
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