Friday 25 May 2012

So we didn't win...

It kind of dents our motto, but Sheen FC finished second in the league this season. Now before you start throwing your season tickets at me and chanting for my resignation, let me tell you, second place, at the start of the season we would've jumped at that!

But to everyone at the club's relief, the infamous team 'Blah' didn't manage to overtake us despite their late minute charge for victory. Unfortunately we couldn't hold onto our first place at Christmas crown and Goychers FC took the title. To be honest, I blame myself for signing two Tottenham players when they were crumbling quicker than Madonna's career.

But we'll be back next season, and I guarantee we'll win it this time, you watch.

Keep on Winning (sort of)
For some reason, The Sun has replaced
the database already, so here's my iPod

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