Monday 21 November 2011

Better Leighton than Never

What? It's a clever title, don't come here with your anti-Everton attitude, just because we beat Wolves and are now up to 12th (COYB), but this isn't even about Everton (for once), this is of course, our regular weekly (sort of) update about Sheen FC, that's right, after the players returned from their International duties last week to a harsh training regime laid out by my second in command Steve Claridge, Steve and the boys trained hard for this week and it paid off (mostly), Leighton Baines topped the pile with this weeks top score of 12 points followed by Sergio Aguero's 8 in a relatively quiet week for the lads.

It means that we lose pace on the runaway leaders at the top, but as long as Van Persil breaks his leg soon then we'll be fine. On a final note, look at the team in 3rd!! It's team Blah, I told you they were a threat, I knew it!!

I'll get Steve and the scouting team on a reconnaissance mission to the Blah training ground to get a few tips on how they are playing.


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