Friday 18 November 2011

Roses are Red, Violets are blue, the Premier League's great and the MLS is too

Good afternoon/morning/late night (so eager to read that you stayed up til 3am, I am touched) But yes, we are getting about equal amounts of traffic from the UK and the US, SO, I had a huge brainstorming session of how I could link the two with football, after hours of deliberating, I came up with this.

I'm sure you can all see how I came to that logical conclusion, it's quite simple, we n... Everton need Landon Donovan back (No more bias, I promise), on a more serious note Moyes needs him back in the team, he had an amazing impact on the team when he joined two years ago on loan from LA Galaxy, he instantly became a fan favourite (along with myself, AHH! ok, no more bias) he chipped in with two goals and a few assists and injured Ashley Cole in his short tenure with the Blues (Legend), but the thing he brought to the table that we.. Everton valued the most was his pace ,okay, you can say, "Oh, but Andy, Drenthe's got pace as well, even more than Donovan". To which I reply, "How the hell did you get my phone number?" But stalkers aside, he had discipline within his play which is something that Drenthe lacks at the moment, probably most obviously his red card against Chelski.

I seriously think that he would make a huge difference to Everton and that Moyes needs to be on the next cross-Atlantic flight to Los Angeles and find Donovan's house, ring the doorbell, hide just out of view and when he opens the door, Moyes and Hibbert pounce, restrain Landon and drag him back on that return cross-Atlantic back to John Lennon airport... Or we could just loan him again, your choice David, do it my way and it's quick and painless or do it your way and don't get a criminal record, it's your choice!...

But I digress, I hope my completely non-biased take on that subject has been full value for the UK readers and our cross-Atlantic viewers also, remember, always wear a seatbelt...


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